

The Lust List

Long Black Dress

I have an endless amount of photos on my phone of things that I am obsessed with, most of them are ridiculously expensive..sighs..(yes it make me sad), and I thought I can share my sorrow with you guys in the form of lust list. Although I will try my best to find and mention reasonable options for you guys.


Z's1st birthday party

Still can't believe she is already one, it seems like yesterday when she was born, anyhow back to the post.. I wasn't sure if I wanted to celebrate her first birthday, I kept on thinking she is not going to remember it so what's the point of it all, but after sometime I came to a realisation that she will ask me about it later. Even then I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I asked my husband if he had any ideas, but he was more excited about an upcoming overseas trip we had planned for a month before Z's first birthday (a family reunion for his cousin's wedding...hence the excitement). So we finally decided to celebrate Z's 1st birthday on our way back to Sydney. And it was a big party (sadly i still missed out on inviting some dear friends :( ...) once we agreed on the date and venue there wasn't much time left for decor planning, but I managed to do as much I could within 2 weeks. It was definitely an exhausting and exciting experience. I told myself, I am not going to do it again, but now that I think about it, it was really fun planning it even in such a short time.